The Otonomist — October 2021 Issue

4 min readOct 28, 2021


We’re moving our Otonomist release date to the last Thursday of every month. That way we can talk about what we’ve done over the month instead of announcing what we’re going to do!

We work in 3-week code sprints and allow a week for testing, deploying new features at the end of each calendar month. For October, we added DAOs to, giving users the choice between onchain LLCs and unincorporated organizations for their project. We also talk about who’s in and who’s out in Otonomos’ jurisdiction popularity contest, share the legal stack (including FREE legal dox!) for the OtoCo Foundation, and announce the proposed inflation model for our OTOCO token. Have an introspective Fall!

Han, Founder & CEO, Otonomos


And the Winner Is…

Close to half of the offchain companies Otonomos spins up for its clients are in the U.S., with Cayman and BVI together almost making up the other half.

10 months into 2021, we have enough data to share the most popular places where Otonomos clients have set up their crypto entities.

As you’d guess, lots depends what they’re working on.

Read all about who’s in and who’s out and why.


The OtoCo Foundation: A Decentralized Coordination Mechanism for All OTOCO Token Holders

In our May newsletter, we outlined our proposed governance for the OtoCo project.

We introduced a Foundation as the key entity to coordinate the wishes of the community of token holders.

In this post, we detail the OtoCo Foundation’s setup and proposed governance, including the draft Bylaws and ancillary enabling resolutions, effectively the “legal software” which guarantees the transmission of the token holders’ collective wishes into real-world action.

Read the full article to learn how you can replicate our legal stack for the benefit of your decentralized project.


You Can Now Use OtoCo to Spin Up Your Decentralized Autonomous Organization

As announced in our September newsletter, in addition to onchain LLCs in Delaware and Wyoming, users can now spin up an unincorporated DAO on OtoCo, instantly and FREE.

Once spawned from the OtoCo DAO smart contract, users can open a digital asset wallet for their DAO, label it using ENS domains, spin up ERC20 tokens, and generally manage their DAO from the OtoCo Dashpanel by simply connecting their Ethereum wallet.

Read more here about our new DAO feature and what to expect further down the line.


The OTOCO Token: Capped or Uncapped Issuance?

Lock in your token price by joining the OTOCO token waitlist: Simply connect your Ethereum wallet to OtoCo’s pre-order page.

As of today, 28 October, we have over 100 stakers waitlisted to receive over 1.35 million OTOCO tokens for an aggregate value of over three quarters of a million dollars.

Up to the end of the pre-order process, which is entirely run by smart contract, anybody can add themselves to the waitlist and lock in the price at which they will receive their OTOCO tokens.

The genesis mint of OTOCO tokens will then be distributed and from that moment on, the number of newly minted tokens will be a direct function of how much users spend in the OtoCo platform and its dAppstore.

Read more on why we chose for an uncapped token issuance and how we believe this model will be a win-win-win for users, developers and the broader community.

Next month: Look out for The Otonomist (twice postponed) premium issue on crypto hedge funds: where to launch, how to structure fees, if and how to benchmark performance, what investors expect, and plenty downloads. Now in your inbox every last Thursday of the month.

You receive The Otonomist because we met, corresponded or you previously reached out to or expressed interest in or are a client or user of Otonomos or OtoCo. We apologize if this is not the case and made it easy for you to unsubscribe if you wish so.


Originally published at on October 28, 2021.





Otonomos helps doers and investors in the crypto and blockchain community around the world form, fund and govern their legal entities, both offchain and onchain

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